Pygmées et Bushmen, chasseurs-cueilleurs nomades au stade du communisme primitif
Les Pygmées ne sont pas un peuple, pas une ethnie, pas les occupants d’une région localisée, mais tout l’ancien peuple humain chasseurs-cueilleurs de petite taille des forêts d’Afrique soit des centaines de peuples, d’ethnies, de sociétés diverses et de régions.
Précisons tout de suite que « Pygmées » et « Bushmen » sont des noms qui n’ont rien de commun avec des noms de peuples réels. Ils ont en commun (...)
Accueil > Mots-clés > Classes sociales et Partis politiques > Communisme
Pygmées et Bushmen, chasseurs-cueilleurs nomades au stade du communisme primitif
4 janvier 2020, par Robert Paris -
Les IWW et le syndicalisme révolutionnaire aux USA
7 March 2015, by Robert ParisTexte en anglais et en français - Text in french and in english Qui étaient les IWW ?
Industrial Workers of the World (in english)
« Nous sommes des adversaires de l’ordre existant ; nous sommes ses ennemis d’un bout à l’autre. Nous ne respectons pas le drapeau des Etats-Unis. Il est le symbole de l’oppression… Il flotte sur les pires endroits et ne porte aucun message pour nous. Nous ne croyons nullement en la hiérarchie des salaires. Nous proposons de virer tout le système du (...) -
Manifesto do Partido Comunista, Karl Marx e Friederich Engels
6 de Março de 2009, por Robert ParisAnda um espectro pela Europa — o espectro do Comunismo. Todos os poderes da velha Europa se aliaram para uma santa caçada a este espectro, o papa e o tsar, Metternich e Guizot, radicais franceses e polícias alemães.
Onde está o partido de oposição que não tivesse sido vilipendiado pelos seus adversários no governo como comunista, onde está o partido de oposição que não tivesse arremessado de volta, tanto contra os oposicionistas mais progressistas como contra os seus adversários (...) -
Private Property and Communism
17 September 2019The antithesis between lack of property and property, so long as it is not comprehended as the antithesis of labour and capital, still remains an indifferent antithesis, not grasped in its active connection, in its internal relation, not yet grasped as a contradiction. It can find expression in this first form even without the advanced development of private property (as in ancient Rome, Turkey, etc.). It does not yet appear as having been established by private property itself. But (...)
Democracy and dictatorship, Lenine
Summary of the site : The Matter and the Revolution
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Democracy and dictatorship
A few numbers of the Berlin Red Banner and the Vienna Call (Weckruf) , organ of the Communist Party of German Austria, that have reached Moscow, showed that the traitors to socialism — those who supported the war of the predatory imperialists — the (...) -
The Comintern and the GPU - The Attempted Assassination of May 24 (1940) and the Communist Party of Mexico
20 September 2020Siqueiros, the Stalinist Assassin
Leon Trotsky
The Comintern and the GPU
The Attempted Assassination of May 24 (1940) and the Communist Party of Mexico
(August 1940)
Original 1940 introduction by Fourth International
EDITORIAL NOTE: This article was finished by Leon Trotsky a few days before his assassination. He intended it for the Mexican court in relation to the machine gun assault by Stalin’s GPU upon his bedroom on May 24, but so wrote it that it could be used for general (...) -
Where we stand
23 October 2018, by Robert ParisWhere we stand and ... what we don’t want more
December 14, 2009, by Robert Paris, Levi Tiekoura Hamed
"The workers have no country. (...) Abolish the exploitation of man by man, and you eliminate the exploitation of one nation by another nation. (...) The ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of all countries, unite!"
Karl Marx (1848), The Communist Manifesto
"We like to assign (...) -
Карл Маркс Манифест Коммунистической партии
10 septembre 2008, par Robert ParisПризрак бродит по Европе - призрак коммунизма. Все силы старой Европы объединились для священной травли этого призрака : папа и царь, Меттерних и Гизо, французские радикалы и немецкие полицейские.
Где та оппозиционная партия, которую ее противники, стоящие у власти, не ославили бы коммунистической ? Где та оппозиционная партия, которая в свою очередь не бросала бы клеймящего обвинения в коммунизме как более передовым представителям оппозиции, так и своим реакционным противникам ? (...) -
Christian Rakovsky against Stalinism
8 September 2019Who Was Christian Rakovsky
Christian Rakovsky against Stalinism
Speech to the Fifteenth Party Congress
(December 1927)
Comrades! The sphere of international relations is that sphere which necessitates the greatest unity in the party. Our foreign enemy is the most dangerous of all enemies, both for our party and the proletarian dictatorship. [Voices: “That is way you are breaking up the party. You should have known this before! You should have remembered that on November 7th!”] (...) -
Friedrich Engels Grundsätze des Kommunismus
7. März 2009, von Robert