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Ukraine : quand l’affrontement Est-Ouest et la menace de guerre civile servent les classes dirigeantes en faillite pour détourner de la lutte des classes

6 mars 2014, 19:32

Fresh pro-Russian protests have erupted in the eastern Ukrainian cities of Donetsk and Kharkov as anger against the pro-Western interim government continues to spread.

On Wednesday, around a dozen were injured in clashes between rival groups in Donetsk — the hometown and power base of ousted president, Viktor Yanukovych.

Violence reportedly broke out when pro-Russian activists stormed the regional government’s headquarters and flew the Russian flag from its roof.

Reports say scores of anti-Russians are fighting to snatch the building back.

About 1,000 pro-Moscow activists also marched on Wednesday in Kharkov, another eastern city where protesters stormed the regional government headquarters on March 1, ending a six-day occupation of the building by Ukrainian nationalist activists.

The protesters gathered outside the building to protest against Ukraine’s new leaders, who ousted Yanukovych last month.

Pro-Russian demonstrators have also reportedly stormed the provincial council in the southern Ukrainian city of Odessa.

Meanwhile, unidentified gunmen surrounded the vehicle of UN envoy, Robert H. Serry, in Simferopol, the administrative center of Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and threatened to detain him.

The UN has denied reports that Serry was kidnapped, saying the envoy had been sent to Crimea to take stock of the situation.

Political crisis erupted in Ukraine in November 2013 after Yanukovych refrained from signing an Association Agreement with the European Union in favor of closer ties with Russia.

On February 23, the Ukrainian parliament ousted Yanukovych and named Oleksandr Turchynov, the legislature’s newly-elected speaker, as interim president.

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