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Summary of the site : The Matter and the Revolution (Matière et révolution)
Monday 7 April 2008, by
Some texts, quotes, comments and discussions in science, history, economics, philosophy and politics.
"The Matter and the Revolution" is a book which is integraly accessible on internet and is discussing of the meaning of a dialectical conception upon history in science, in philosophy and in social and economics events.
Robert Paris
SITE MATIERE ET REVOLUTION : www.matierevolution.fr
Discontinuity, nonlinearity, brutal changement, globality, hierarchical interaction, chaoticity, qualitative changement caraterise the dynamical phenomenon. The way of conservation, development and transformation of matter, life and society needs a dialectical philosophy.
The new understanding of the signification of atom, particle, quantic and relativistic physics, life, gentics, evolution of species and earth climate.
History is built by social revolutions rather than evolutions. Even in the ancient times, in the pharaon Egypt, the social revolution is the way of transformation of social structures.
The most important events of contemporary history can’t be explaned without understanding of class struggle.
What is the signification of financiarisation and globalization ? Will capitalistic system go to a new systemic crisis like 1929 ?
What politics is needed for the workers ? It is not the reformist ideology. It is the permanent revolution !
Manifesto of the Communist Party, Karl Marx
The transitional program, Leon Trotsky
The State and Revolution, Lenine
Democracy and dictatorsip, Lenine
The Principles of Communisme, Friedrich Engels
Geodynamics and climatology of the Earth
The revolution, the great organizer
Aspects of dialectics and non-linear dynamics
Claude Levy-Strauss’s sociology
Do we need a new philosophy in science ?
Why I am not a Christian, Bertrand Russel
War of the classes, Jack London
Ancient society : no classes, no private ownership of the means of production and without a state
Religion : its social roots and role
Particle of matter or emergence of structure in the vacuum
0 - PLAN
The Matter and the Revolution
Contribution to the debate on the philosophy of the mode of formation and transformation of matter, life, man and society
SITE The Matter and the Revolution: www.matierevolution.fr
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Adress to a comrade
Art and Revolution
1-1 Invitation to a trip on the land of revolutions
1-2 Matter to philosophize?
1-2-1 One world, one science
1-2-2 Dialectics of nature
1-2-3 Is a philosophy necessary for science?
1-3 The revolution, or the great organizer of the nature and society
1-4 Is Matter a revolutionary process ?
1-5 The nature makes jumps ?
1-5-1 The discontinuity, a philosophical question
1-5-2 What is the continuity?
1-5-3 Discontinuity, an old question
1-5-4 The illusion of continuous
1-5-5 Continuity of life ?
1-5-6 The mathematical objects : continuous or discontinuous?
1-5-7 The quanta, a programmed death of physical continuity
1-5-8 Why the concept of continuous is resisting ?
1-5-9 Continuity, a mathematical property?
1-5-10 Continuity and discontinuity are incompatible
1-5-11 Discontinuity of the universe and hierarchical structures
1-5-12 The discontinuity of life: from the creation of species to the creation of man and human creations
1-6 Feedback between slow and rapid processes
1-7 Dynamical contradictions
1-7-1 Switching activators and destructive constructions
1-7-2 Cycles disorder-order-disorder
1-7-3 The role of violence in the dynamic
1-7-4 Emerging structures rather than fixed objects
1-8 Revolutions on the living process
1-9 The image of deterministic chaos
1-10 Dialectics upon natural and social processes
1-10-1 Dialectics of nature and society
1-10-2 Dialectical Materialism, the science of revolution
1-10-3 Aristotle, an anti-dialectician
1-11 History in the Matter
1-12 Appendices
1-12-1 Zeno’s Paradoxes
1-12-2 Dialectics and metaphysics
1-12-3 Positivism
Introduction to the dialectic of nature
2-A Atome: feedback between the field and emptiness
2-A-1 Contradictions on the quanta
2-A-2 Matter emergence of structure within the vacuum
2-A-3 Matter and light in vacuum
2-A-4 Vacuum, not so empty…
2-A-5 Vacuum : the destructive/constructive of the substance
2-A-6 Dialectic of the positive and negative
2-A-7 The construction of space-time
2-A-8 Light and Matter, the laws come from the vacuum
2-A-9 Unification of quantum / relativity
2-A-10 Dark matter and dark energy
2-A-11 The action of the bubbles of .... vacuum
2-B Biology: feedback of life and death
2-B-1 The reductionism and the conservatism of DNA
2-B-2 A few key questions
2-B-3 Feedback of life and death
2-B-4 Apoptosis or cell suicide
2-B-5 The collective organisation of cells
2-B-6 Body sculpture in the embryo
2-B-7 Construction of the immunological system
2-B-8 The complexity of life
2-B-9 The link between disease and cell suicide
2-B-10 Cancer and inhibition of apoptosis
2-B-11 Cancer and cellular interactions
2-C Chaos of heart, brain and cell : emerging rhythms
2-C-1 The heart
2-C-2 The brain
2-C-3 Biological rhythms
2-D Development and genetics
2-D-1 Feedback loops in genetics
2-D-2 Chance and necessity in biology
2-D-3 Biology of living: the frozen variety creates
2-D-4 Hierarchical and non-linear processes in the gene
2-D-5 Genes architects and clocks of development
2-D-6 The forecast, impaired non-linear rhythms of life
2-E Evolution or Revolution of species?
2-E-1 Validity of neo-Darwinism?
2-E-2 Some problems upon the question of evolution of species
2-E-3 The phenomenon of life is chaotic?
2-E-4 Self-organization of life and evolution
2-E-5 Punctuation, fractal tree structure and function of the chaotic evolution
2-F Training and parentage of man
2-F-1 The transition from ape to man
2-F-2 The views of opponents
2-F-3 A new multidisciplinary synthesis
2-F-4 The evolution of human being and of our brains, a product of chance and necessity
2-F-5 Collective activity and social life
2-F-6 From pre-ape to man?
2-F-7 Some prejudices on the question of man
2-G Geodynamics of the globe and climates. What about the "global warming anthropogenic?
2-G-1 The decline in alpine glaciers, evidence of "global warming"?
2-G-2 The glaciers melt and the poles? Les mers montent ? The seas rise? The climatic disasters worse? And all this according to a continuously increasing parameter: the average temperature?
2-G-3 What is the value of the interpretation of global warming through the greenhouse effect?
Is that the only possible interpretation? What is the role of volcanism in the climate? What is the role of life upon the climate? The real relationship between geophysical the globe, biosphere and climatology
2-G-4 What is behind the IPCC? Why trusts for electricity and nuclear power, as well as the related governors, are "defenders of the planet"?
2-G-5 Can we predict the evolution or revolution climate? The discontinuities, feedback and non-linearities, the chaotic dynamics of geophysics and climatology.
2-H Random and determinism
2-H-1 What is the deterministic chaos in science?
2-H-2 Contradictory dialogue and training structure
(Feedback and self-organization)
2-I Unconsciousness, conscience: Freud confirmed by the recent discoveries in neuroscience?
2–I–1 The point of view of Sigmund Freud
2-I-2 Psychoanalysis and physiology
2–I-3 Neuroscience can enlighten us on the validity of the concept of the Freudian unconscious?
2-I-4 Psychoanalysis and dialectic
2-I-5 Psychism and discontinuity
2-I-6 Freud, religion and social ideology
2-I-8 How does consciousness and unconsciousness?
2-L The deterministic chaos, according to James Gleick
3-1 The social mark of revolutions
3-1-1 Civilization, a continuous improvement?
3-1-2 Revolution, the driving force of history
3-1-3 The State, a positive product of civilization ? Or a negative byproduct of the revolution?
3-1-4 The response of to the enemies of the revolution
3-2 Revolutions of Antiquity
3-2-1 Revolutions in antic Egypt of the Pharaohs
3-2-2 Revolutions in antic Mesopotamia
3-2-3 Revolutions in antic China
3-2-4 Revolutions in antic Greece
3-2-5 Revolutions in antic Rome
3-2-6 Révolutions en antic Méso-Amérique
3-2-7 A theatral play against the communist revolution (Socratic) in Athens
3-2-8 Societies without classes, without private ownership of the means of production and without a state
3-3 Bourgeois revolutions
3-3-1 History of the bourgeois revolutions
3-3-2 Etienne Marcel and the bourgeois revolution triumphant before the French Revolution of 1789
3-3-3 "French" Revolution from 1789-1795
3-3-4 The french Constitution of 1793
3-3-5 The permanent revolution in the French Revolution
3-3-6 The Mexican Revolution 1911-1920
3-4 Proletarian revolutions before the Second World War
3-4-0 The imperialist powers 3-4-0 during the revolutionary wave in Europe
3-4-1 Proletarian revolutions
3-4-2 Proudhon and the revolution
3-4-3 The revolutions in France, from 1848 to 1871
3-4-4 The Russian Revolution of 1905
3-4-5 The last soldier "poilu" or the latest butchery of war?
3-4-6 The working class in the Irish revolution
3-4-7 The Russian revolution of 1917 and the revolutionary wave in Europe
3-4-8 The Russian revolution, according to Rosa Luxemburg
3-4-9 The German proletarian revolution of 1918-19
3-4-10 The Hungarian proletarian revolution of 1919
3-4-11 The Italian proletarian revolution of 1919
3-4-12 The class struggle in the Chinese revolution
3-4-13 The Chinese revolution of 1925-1927
3-4-14 The proletarian revolution in Spain in 1931
3-4-15 The Spanish Revolution of 1936
3-4-16 Anarchists policy in the Spanish Revolution
4-1 The proletariat : a revolutionary class
4-2 The second imperialist war and the global alliance between imperialism and the Russian bureaucracy against the revolution
4-2-1 Aims war of imperialism and bureaucracy
4-2-2 The imperialist war, according to Trotsky
4-2-3 The imperialist war according to Barta
4-2-4 At the end of the imperialist war, Stalinism save capitalism
4-3 Why the extermination of the Jews in Europe ?
4-3-1 The "final solution" of Hitler is inseparable from the revolutionary threat to Europe
4-3-2 Documents on the extermination of the Jews
4-3-3 Letter from Leon Trotsky
4-4 The proletarian revolution in Asia at the end of the World War
4-5 False and untrue "socialist" regimes and "revolutions"
4-5-1 The nature of the Stalinist regime in Russia
4-5-2 The nature of popular democracies in the "East"
4-5-3 The nature of Chinese "communism" Mao Dze Toung
4-5-4 The nature of the "socialism" of Algeria after independance
4-6 Class struggle in Latin America
4-6-1 The struggle of the working class of Bolivia (revolution of 1952 and suites)
4-6-2 Cuba and guévarisme
4-7 Eastern countries 1953-56
4-8 The black movement in the USA
4-9 Movements in 1968-69 in the World
4-9-1 Movment of 1968 in France and suites…
4-9-2 Movements of 1968-69 in Italy
4-9-3 The cordobazo Argentine 1969
4-10 Chili 1973
4-11 Portugal 1975
4-12 The Palestinians and the revolution in the Middle East
4-12-1 1936-39 : People peasant revolt in Palestine
4-12-2 1967 : Fedayeen movement and popular movement in Egypt
4-12-3 1970: conflict against the Jordanian monarchy
4-12-4 1975-76: social revolution in Lebanon
4-12-5 1987-1993 et 2000 : the intifadas, two social revolts
4-12-6 No issue for a peace between peoples?
4-12-7 The same battle for all the peoples of the Middle East
4-12-8 The Israeli are they inevitably committed to sustain the aggressive policies of their state ?
4-12-9 The Israeli workers have interests opposed to there bosses and to the State of Israel
4-13 Asia : false socialism and false revolutions and counter-revolutions
4-13-1 The alleged Indian "socialism"
4-13-2 The policy of Stalinism in Indomesia
4-13-3 The chinese "communist" power against the working class
4-13-4 Vietnam war and revolution
4-13-5 Cambodia
4-13-6 Koreas
4-13-7 Thailand
4-14 Iranian proletarian revolution 1979
4-15 Wrestling workers 70-80 years
4-15-1 Argentina
4-15-2 Poland
4-15-3 Turkey
4-15-4 South Korea
4-15-5 Haiti
4-15-6 Brazil
4-16 South Africa: Workers of the explosion at the end of apartheid
4-17 Fall of the USSR and neo-imperialism: the turning of 1980-85
4-17-1 A turning world, both economic, political and military
4-17-2 The causes of watershed in the mid 80
4-17-3 Globalization: Facts and Harm
4-17-4 The end of the degenerated state worker
4-17-5 The end of the USSR frees ... the bourgeoisies of the East
4-17-6 The new global balance of power after the fall of the USSR
4-18 China from 1989 (Tiananmen) to 2000
4-18-1 1989: Tian’anmen or "The earthquake in Beijing"
4-18-2 1996-97 : 1996-97: a crackdown of power in response to concerns of the working class
4-18-3 What are in China?
4-18-4 Who 4-18-4 fanned the fire of nationalism in the China Sea?
4-19 Algeria : from social explosion (1988) to terrorism
pretending to defend Islamism
4-19-1 " The impotence of politicians "democrats"
4-19-2 The working class has been politically disarmed
4-19-3 Fundamentalism, an option violent politics of the bourgeoisie
4-19-4 What are the prospects for the youth revolt and for the people Worker
4-19-5 The working class : a social force that can topple dictators and profiteers
4-19-6 The working class in Algeria and his fights
4-20 Révolts in Africa : 1988-1991
4-21 Rwanda 1990-94: Faced with the threat society, the bourgeoisie and imperialism Rwandan french make the choice of fascism and genocide
4-21-1 The dirigeants (of Rwanda and Frnace) of the genocide
4-21-2 Rwanda : a génocide with french sustain
4-21-2 Rwanda: genocide encouraged and covered by France
4-21-3 Chronology
4-21-4 History
4-21-5 Appendices
4-22 1999-2000: Revolt in Côte d’Ivoire
4-23 The wars of Yugoslavia
4-24 Revolt of 2001 in Kabylie and in Algeria
4-25 The new imperialist wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon)
4-26 Social struggles in Latin America (Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil,…)
4-27 Fascism claiming to fundamentalist Islam, false enemy of imperialism and false friend of peoples
4-28 New workers struggles in Africa in 2003-2007
4-28-1 Introduction
4-28-2 Mali
4-28-3 Niger
4-28-4 Guinea
4-28-5 Senegal
4-28-6 Sao Tome and Principe
4-28-7 Zambia
4-28-8 Cameroon
4-28-9 Togo
4-28-10 Burkina Faso
4-28-11 South Africa
4-29 Workers struggles in France in 1947-2007
4-30 A century of strife and oppression in Turkey
5-1 The economy is inseparable of class struggles and wars
5-2 The dialectical contradictions of economic laws
5-3 The capitalist economy, structures derived from non-equilibrium
5-4 A neo-imperialism said "neo-liberal"
5-5 Crises and the future of capitalism
6-0 The revolutionary politics
6-0-1 The Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx
6-0-2 The manifest Pulacayo (Bolivia 1946)
6-0-3 The transitional program
6-0-4 The "toast of London", Blanqui
6-0-5 The State and Revolution, Lenin
6-0-6 On the revolution and counter-revolution
6-0-7 Upon the question of the State, Lenin
6-0-8 Marx and anarchism
6-1 From reformism to fascism: how they fight the revolution
6-1-1 Five examples of situations prérévolutionnaires diverted by the reformists before being crushed by the authorities and the fascists
6-1-2 The Réformism of Social Democrat, Stalinist, trade union and nationalist against proletarian revolution and communism
6-1-3 The reformism today, the alternative to unionism and democracy to ecology
6-2 The permanent revolution, the strategy of proletariat
6-3 The goal of the dictatorship of the proletariat
6-4 What is socialism and what it is not
6-4-1 Documents on socialism
6-4-2 The so-called "versions" of socialism
6-4-3 A current discussion on socialism
6-5 The formation of class consciousness
6-6 The organization of the proletariat
7-1 Sociology of Saint-Simon
7-2 Sociology "positivist" of Auguste Comte
7-3 Sociology according Durkheim
7-5 Bourdieu and Seguel-Boccara Bourdieu
7-6 The sociology of Karl Marx
7-7 Psychoanalysis and sociology
7-8 Sociobiology
7-9 Ecology
7-10 Demography
8-1 Egypt
8-2 Bangladesh
8-3 Burma
8-4 Guinea Conakry
8-5 Mali
8-6 Russia
8-7 China
8-8 Burkina Faso
8-9 Cameroon
8-10 Algeria
9-1 Social classes, kings and gods
9-2 Religion, a human need?
9-3 The role and the future of religions
9-4 Religion and social struggle
9-5 The religious question today
9-6 Freud and religion
9-7 Lenin and religion
9-8 The struggle against religion according to Daniel Guerin
9-9 Jacques Prévert and religion
9-10 The struggle against religion
9-11 Religion, philosophy of social consent
9-12 The French Revolution against Christianity
10-1 Trotsky texts on trade "pure" unionism
10-2 Evolution worker’s unionism
10-3 Trade unionism in France in 1936
10-4 Union’s experience in Poland
10-5 Discussing upon struggles and workers’s rights
10-6 Sixty years of class struggles in France
10-7 Trade unionism and communism
10-8 Trade unionism according to Pannekoek
10-9 Trade unionism and the International Communist Lenin
10-10 Unions at the time of imperialist decadence
11-1 The origin of the family and the oppression of women
11-2 Women and Socialism
11-3 A recent views on the oppression of women
11-4 The Russian revolution and the oppression of women
11-5 The "socialist" Proudhon against women
11-6 The Judeo-Christian religion against women
11-7 When women come through, it is the social revolution
11-8 The fight against the oppression of women is inseparable from the social revolution
11-9 The claims of suppression of women’s oppression
11-10 The feminist movement and the role of women workers in the class struggle
11-11 The question of women
12-1 The extreme left in France
12-2 Questions to all militants who want to build a new
antcapitalist iparty with Olivier Besancenot
12-3 The LIT, a current Trotskyite, born in Latin America
12-4 The extreme left in Quebec
13-1 Art and Revolution
13-2 Art and socialism
13-3 Theater and revolution
14-1 The international workers
14-2 The basic texts of the Communist International
14-3 The basis of internationalism
14-4 Capitalism, imperialism and immigration
14-5 At laws that make illegal, "sans-papiers", answer is : we are proletarians without borders!
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The mode of formation and transformation of matter, of life, of man and society
I apologize for disseminating an incomplete and unfinished work, in its conception as in its drafting. However, the magnitude of the subject, the length of the work necessary to justify this text in circulation without delay. It will gradually be completed and corrected. The issue, the revolution, is not a theme so common, including in the country often described as one of the French Revolution. Since Stalinism, Maoism "and the various versions of the so-called" socialism and communism, the significance of the social revolution has been lost or has been distorted. If, for many workers, class struggles for employment or salary, they do not see themselves as oppressed class the most powerful in history, capable, at the international level, free humanity from oppression and exploitation. We should not conceive this movement of lowering of the class consciousness as a linear decline. Just that we should not interpret the movement which was, Marx to Lenin and Trotsky, or the Paris Commune of 1871 to the revolution in Russia in 1917 and in Europe in 1918-1920, as a continuous climb. The movement of history, the struggles, the class consciousness, that of the organization of the classroom, these three movements that are not similar, not following a gradual way, but experiencing sudden jumps . Now, in response to falling illusions in the social democracy (in the service of big business since the First World War), Stalinism (the main anti-Communist force since 1925), and nationalism in the Third World (venus in power since the Second World War), a new cycle appears to take shape. The illusions about capitalism are also benefits (even in the Eastern countries), and a new Anticapitalism seems being reborn in a new generation of the working class world. This does not mean that a new understanding of the world will come directly and spontaneously, as new deception may well replace them. It is very possible to give to criticism of capitalism a new form of reformism, ie rescue capitalism. The ideas of "sustainable development", alternative, "declining", "defence" of the planet are new ways to divert the class struggle by pretending that all men are responsible for the destruction caused by the large capital. New types of réformismes, nationalism, stalinismes, religious or other reactionary ideologies may appear, again diverting social movements. There will be no purely spontaneous birth of a new critical analysis of the system. And it takes place at a time when a new crisis of capitalism is on the horizon, new big sacrifices for the oppressed but also new big revolutions, ie new opportunities to end with a final the exploitation of man by man.
It is even more important to rethink (ie rebuild) that really mean socialism and the revolution in the world today. For too many years, the revolutionaries themselves down revolutions, have turned to armed struggle (guerrillas unconnected with the action of the proletariat), towards forms of protest non classistes (alternative, environmentalism), or towards forms of accommodation critical to the system (unionism, electioneering). In all this, the revolution (and primarily the destruction of the bourgeois state and the economic capital) is forgotten. The issue is not even discussed or debated publicly, either on behalf of a kind of realism (the revolution is not on the agenda), or a renunciation more open to this prospect.
In this study, revolution called the crisis situation in which the oppressed cease to follow the ideas and organizations of the ruling class, starting themselves to organize in a manner totally new and emerging, with a view to their own class interests and, above all, apply their own decisions, creating a situation of dual power brings the possibility of radical change in the course of history, to a power to the workers. This definition does not consider violence (the famous armed struggle) as the fundamental criterion, but rather highlights the radical nature of the social and political content provided by the oppressed themselves, and the rapid destruction of the real bases of the old order. In its broadest sense, scientific, we will call "revolution" any transitory in which the established order can switch qualitatively and brutally. Most importantly, we will call a revolution leading to the sudden emergence of a qualitatively new, following the turmoil and contradictions in the lower grade, also called self-organization. As a result, this process involves both the different fields of science. The policy is particularly concerned with the issue of self-organization of the proletariat. Remember the phrase used by Karl Marx: "Socialism is the work of the workers themselves." To prepare for a new government, the exploited are in need of a sense of collective organization and trust in their own forces.
This text tries to draw lessons general, philosophical, recent studies of science, natural, historical, economic, and social consequences. The scientific advances, which advance our knowledge and expertise, influence our philosophy of the world. At least, they should do so. The popular science touches a wide audience, but the philosophy of science is driven somewhat diffused. The scientific thinking has changed dramatically, even though the general public, bombarded with technical information, often ignore. The science is no longer based on fixed objects, or a fixed order, but the organisation spontaneous disorder of many interacting elements. The matter is no longer conceived as an inert mass, but as the product of a collective dynamic extraordinarily turbulent. Reversal brutal structures, the revolution is a process of construction by the organization spontaneous unrest underlying structures of new, so-called emerging. Understanding this mechanism revolutionary, which characterizes the historical phenomena, is not obvious, is not derived directly from the observation, and requires an effort of conceptualizing philosophical. The old opposition between diametrals inert material and living between life and death, between order and disorder, between destruction and construction, between chance and necessity, are now obsolete. Exceeding these old dichotomies, the new scientific philosophy recognizes the interpenetration between determinism and contingency, between law and disorder, between universality and singularity, and atomisme between vitalism, and between materialism and creation. Design dynamics, the task is tough, but the elements are provided by the sciences themselves.
Reflection on the active process of nature, the rhythms of its historical movement, carries a way of thinking that is essential, as far as science in the study of human society. The ability of the oppressed to build their power depends on their political experience, their participation, active, organized and conscious of their own struggles. A class is not just made up of men who have material interests. It is first a conscience, made chess, hopes, attempts, virtualités, ideas and potential. The mechanism for the emergence of class consciousness and functioning dynamics of matter continually transformed by the interaction between virtual and real, between destruction and construction, a permanent revolution, are the same type.
An understanding of the revolution is of vital importance to scientific thought as to political and social action. It is particularly necessary for the workers’ movement, the victim of ideologies of order and reform advocates continuity of the State. The a priori from the continuous bias between progress and abrupt change is widely spread, by scientists as well as by political and social, social democrats, associations, environmentalists, alternative forms of globalization, trade unionists or Stalinists. The idea of the centrality of the working class to radically change the course of human society is strongly opposed. The consciousness of the oppressed class depends primarily on its understanding of its capacity to transform the world. La signification de la société à construire est aujourd’hui altérée. The significance of the company building is now impaired. La révolution, incomprise, est souvent rejetée. The revolution, misunderstood, is often rejected. The meeting of communist ideas and live proletarian revolutionary remains the main mortal danger to the exploiters and the only prospect for future exploitation.
This text is subject to debate, criticism of all. It can be freely quoted, edited and translated. No copyright for any country. Send any comments and criticism to author Robert Paris by replying at the mention "reply at the article".
en français : matière et révolution