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Connaissez-vous Francis Bacon alias Shakespeare ? - Do you know that Shakespeare was Francis Bacon ?

4 novembre 2015, 06:15

Did you know that Francis Bacon’s contemporaries identified him as a secret poet, the chief of them all, who wrote stage plays and renovated philosophy using comedy and tragedy ?

Did you know that Francis Bacon was referred to as both Apollo and Pallas Athena, the ‘Spear-Shaker’ or ‘Shake-Spear’ ?

Did you know that two contemporary 16th century poets identified Francis Bacon as the author of the Shakespeare poems, Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece ?

Did you know that a 16th century collection of manuscripts that once contained the Shakespeare plays, Richard II and Richard III, names Francis Bacon as their author ?

Did you know that Bacon headed a literary studio of poets and writers ?

Did you know......?

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