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Ouganda : workers injured during strikes and riots

Thursday 17 June 2010

Twenty-six workers injured in Ugandan cement factory riots

Published by Xinhua

Monday, 14 June 2010

Mbale (xn) - Twenty-six people were injured as a strike demanding better pay and working conditions in a major cement factory turned violent on Friday in Tororo district, eastern Uganda. The injured were part of a group of Tororo cement workers who went on strike early this week citing poor working conditions among others, an employee of the factory told Xinhua on Friday on condition of anonymity.

It is the second strike in less than one month by the workers protesting delay by the factory management to sort out their nine grievances including poor pay, harassment and poor working conditions. The cement factory re-opened on Friday after closing for a day on Thursday for fear of a violent strike. Only a few workers turned up for work, but another group later stormed the factory sparking off fierce riots.

Police was quickly called in to quell the chaos at the factory where the anti-riot police fired tear gas at the rioters, during which dozens were injured and hospitalized. Tororo district leaders along with workers accused the police of using excessive force. Calm has returned at the factory following an agreement between the workers and the management to meet the district leaders, and the National Organization of Trade Union-NOTU officials next week.

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