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Editorial 7-12-2009 - La guerre, une solution face à la crise

13 juin 2015, 07:50

They are declaring war ! Against whom ? Against dictatures ? Against terrorism ? Against islamism ? No ! There war are against us, against the workers population of the world !

US Army soldiers simulated assaults and set off explosives in Flint, Michigan last week as part of 10 days of urban warfare training exercises staged in southeastern Michigan.
The exercises have been carried out under a thick veil of secrecy. They were initially publicized by local media only after terrified Flint residents began calling in reports about apparent gun battles raging near their homes.

Residents of areas impacted by the drills were informed either at the last minute or after the fact, with many caught completely unaware.

The war games in Michigan are a prelude to the upcoming two-month long Jade Helm 15 (JH15) exercises, which are set to become the largest ever special forces training exercise held in the continental United States.

Referred to by the Pentagon as “Realistic Military Training” (RMT), the July-September exercises will simulate counterinsurgency operations on a continental scale, coordinated across a battle-space encompassing large areas of the American south and west. It will be one of the largest and most elaborate military exercises ever conducted on US territory by the Defense Department.

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