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Luttes de classes au Tchad

22 mai 2017, 14:28

Workers in Chad’s oil exploration sector have ended a strike after securing a 20 percent wage increase and better conditions from their Chinese employers, a union leader said on Tuesday.

The eight-day strike by 1,500 workers, which ended on Monday, did not affect the Central African country’s 120,000 barrel per day (bpd) output or operations at its 20,000 bpd refinery.

Union leader Lagmet Harge told Reuters that a deal had been reached late last week with the Great Wall Drilling Corporation - a subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) - and with oil services firm China National Logging Corporation.

"Our two employers have agreed to raise our salaries by 20 percent. They also accepted to improve conditions,"

"These decisions are contained in minutes signed on Friday between the parties following mediation by the petroleum ministry," he said.

The strike was the second this year in Chad by employees at the two Chinese firms.

The workers are at sites in the Bongor Basin and the Logone region near the southern border with Cameroon.

Landlocked Chad began exporting oil in 2003 when it completed a 1,000 km pipeline to the Atlantic coast via Cameroon. Oil major ExxonMobil and CNPC are active in the country’s oil sector.

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