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Ukraine : quand l’affrontement Est-Ouest et la menace de guerre civile servent les classes dirigeantes en faillite pour détourner de la lutte des classes

6 mars 2014, 18:51

Une révolte contre le nouveau pouvoir de Kiev à Donetsk ? Pas trop de pub là-dessus dans les média occidentaux !

A pro-Russian separatist has proclaimed a "people’s government" in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine’s major city, that rejects Kiev’s authority.

Pavel Gubarev spearheaded a takeover of the government headquarters by a mob that broke through security grilles and smashed down the doors on Monday. A day later supporters of the new regime filled the red leather seats in the provincial chamber to consider his agenda.

The advertising executive declared he would co-opt a planned local vote on autonomy from Kiev and tilt the city away from Ukraine in a new alignment with Russia.

"Today and tomorrow we will work on the structure of the new administration. Then we will set out a plan for the new direction of Donetsk," he said. "We don’t want to give our money any more to Kiev. We want more freedom for our city in a new federation or confederation that allows use to embrace the friendly ties and positive feelings towards us of the people of Russia."

It is 60 miles from the town to the border checkpoints that guard the frontier with Russia. Reports yesterday said that Russia had built-up a substantial troop presence just two miles inside its territory, near the road to Donetsk.

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