Contribution au débat sur la philosophie dialectique du mode de formation et de transformation de la matière, de la vie, de l’homme et de la société.

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  • The Obama administration and Egypt - Obama backs Mubarak’s bid to retain power

    3 février 2011, par Robert Paris

    Obama backs Mubarak’s bid to retain power
    2 February 2011
    The battle lines in Egypt are being drawn. On the one side, huge protests in Cairo and other cities, estimated at more than a million, demanded that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his regime immediately go. On the other, Mubarak thumbed his nose at the demonstrators and announced his intention to serve out his term of office until presidential elections due in September.
    Shortly after Mubarak’s speech, US President (...)

  • Matierevolution in english

    9 juin 2010, par Robert Paris

    Matierevolution in english

  • FASCISM What It Is and How To Fight It

    13 décembre 2009, par Robert Paris

    Leon Trotsky’s
    What It Is and How To Fight It
    Fascisme : What It Is and How To Fight It

  • Makhno

    22 septembre 2009, par Robert Paris

    There is Soviet Great Russia and there is the Soviet Ukraine.
    And besides them there is also another, little-known state, namely, Gulyay-Polye. This is ruled by the headquarters of a certain Makhno. To start with, he had a guerrilla detachment, then a brigade, then, apparently, a division, and now all this has been repainted almost into a special insurgent ‘army’. Against whom are Makhno’s men rebelling ? This question needs to be given a clear answer – an answer in (...)

  • Autobiography of Ilya Prigogine

    11 juillet 2009, par Robert Paris

    In his memorable series "Etudes sur le temps humain", Georges Poulet devoted one volume to the "Mesure de l’instant".1 There he proposed a classification of authors according to the importance they give to the past, present and future. I believe that in such a typology my position would be an extreme one, as I live mostly in the future. And thus it is not too easy a task to write this autobiographical account, to which I would like to give a personal tone. But the present explains the (...)

  • On historical materialism, Mehring

    11 juillet 2009

    Franz Mehring - On Historical Materialism - (Part I)
    Franz Mehring - On Historical Materialism - (Part 2)
    Franz Mehring - On Historical Materialism - (Part 3)

  • Mao Dze Dong and the chinese "revolution"

    2 juillet 2009, par Robert Paris

    The strategy of Mao is nationalism. It is not a social revolution but a military struggle without control of proletarian forces of the towns. Its strategy is allaince with the Kuomintang and, after, alliance with the US impérialism during the war against japanese imperialism. He does not struggle against Kuomintang on social bases (even on paysant ones) but on national bases. It is not a paysant war but a nationalist one.
    May 1937
    May 1937 second text
    Take the process of China’s (...)

  • Writings of Leon Trotsky

    1er juillet 2009, par Robert Paris

    Read here
    Text 1
    Text 2
    Text 3
    Text 4
    Text 5
    Text 6
    Text 7
    Writings of Leon Trotsky
    Upon China
    Upon the spanish revolution
    Results and prospects
    Literature and revolution
    History of russian revolution
    The betrayed revolution
    The transitional program

  • Writings of Marx and Engels

    1er juillet 2009, par Robert Paris

    Writings of Marx and Engels

  • Writings of Karl Liebnecht

    1er juillet 2009, par Robert Paris

    Writings of Karl Liebnecht

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