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The old world collapses ! The new world, in germs, has a great future !
mercredi 19 août 2020, par ,
The old world collapses ! The new world, in germs, has a great future !
According to the governments, the second wave of covid-19 is coming and they are preparing to fight against it… but they are lying. Indeed, there was never a first wave that would have be broken under the action of the public authorities. The first wave hasn’t stopped at all. It i’s the same pandemic and the same wave of covid is continuing. In summer, in the midst of general deconfinement, we reached the peaks of the pandemic in much states of the world and the number of covid is growing. Even the decline of some official statistics, which was supposed to justify deconfinement, was just an announcement effect… The rulers only minimized the covid national statistics for a while to promote the tourist industry in summer, as they had minimized statistics of covid victims to get employees back to work. It was thus asserted that deconfinement and vacations was freedom without telling people the risks they were taking by spreading viruses in this way by increasing the number of contacts on vacation spots. You can believe that the rulers wanted the spread of the virus rather than its decline ! This is not the first time that the statistics have been skewed. For example, they have removed from the statistics the deaths in retirement homes and at home, and artificially reduced admissions in intensive care ... simply by refusing admissions of patients ! At the hospital, staff were told that it was to protect them from too large a wave of patients and thus to defend the public hospital, and this was done in particular by euthanizing old patients with covid and by abandoning them in the retirement homes and denying them hospitalization and assistance with respiratory equipment !!!
At the same time, the rulers continue to minimize the covid, and refuse to defend us from it, affirming that the next reconfinement will be partial and will not prevent the resumption of work, the re-entry to school and nursery (not for education, or because the safety of children is ensured there but to allow parents to resume work) and public transport, although both are major causes of the spread of the virus !!! To justify it, we are told that new protective measures will be taken in these areas. Stricter rules will govern activity in companies, for example. But these rules do not change the insecurity for employees. Thus, the ventilation systems, frequent in companies, are not stopped,while at the same time the rulers recognize that they disperse the viruses in the air, which is a major carrier of the pandemic ! As for the so-called barrier distance, it is inapplicable in companies as in public transport.
In any case, the governments affirm that it is the confinement which killed the economy and that it is necessary, "at all costs" (in the words of a minister) to avoid a new confinement. “At any cost” of course means first of all at the cost of the lives of the employees who will catch the covid to earn a living ! The wages of fear, this is what these rulers offer us. Torn between the fear of dying at work (or on the way there) and the fear of losing it !!! Because the number of employees who are made redundant or threatened is growing day by day ...
The population is thus caught between two fires, covid and economic collapse. What will the start of the September 2020 school year be made of ? What fate do the bosses and their governments have in store for us ? In any case, they want us to talk more about the covid than about the crisis of capitalism, which is nevertheless an unprecedented historical collapse. They give themselves the means to do so through fear and by serving us the same dish a second time : a new wave of covid which is nothing new, new fears instrumentalised by the same rulers. They add new false debates concerning the pros against the reconfinement, such as the supporters of the mask and its opponents, the supporters of the generalization of tests or not. Meanwhile no one is debating whether to leave public health in the hands of private interests,whether it is better to increase military or health spending, nor on the need to help the capitalist trusts with hundreds of billions when this will not even save them from an inexorable fall. They do not debate the legitimacy for the state to increase the number of fixed-term contracts on the pretext that we are only hiring for the “transition period” of two years. And, after two years, it will be a transition to what, to what hell ? They don’t tell us of course ! Not to mention the legitimacy for trusts and banks to massively cut jobs and close sites.They do not debate the legitimacy for the state to increase the number of fixed-term contracts on the pretext that we are only hiring for the “transition period” of two years. And, after two years, it will be a transition to what, to what hell ? They don’t tell us of course ! Not to mention the legitimacy for trusts and banks to massively cut jobs and close sites.They do not debate the legitimacy for the state to increase the number of fixed-term contracts on the pretext that we are only hiring for the “transition period” of two years. And, after two years, it will be a transition to what, to what hell ? They don’t tell us of course ! Not to mention the legitimacy for trusts and banks to massively cut jobs and close sites.
And, apart from telling us that everything (health collapse as well as economic, social and political collapse) would be the fault of the pandemic, they tell us that it is… our fault !!! They are not shy to assert that we are irresponsible who put others in danger !!! They accuse a part of the population, preferably the poorest, of being irresponsible and, by their dangerous acts, by not respecting the safety instructions of the authorities (which they themselves recommended shortly before not to respect !) , threaten the health, safety, well-being and employment of the rest of the population ! Just that. While everyone has seen that the irresponsible in this sense are the rulers and the wealthy classes !
So, it is the same rulers and property owners, who have done nothing serious to prevent the spread of covid and have even taken negative measures by refusing to distribute free masks, tests, and other vaccines, who today claim that we give violent and insulting moral lessons ! Those who claimed that "the general public does not have to wear masks and those who wear them endanger the lives of health workers by removing these masks" now claim that "the general public who do not wear masks wear endangering the lives of health workers and other people ” !!!
The same people now say that people who do not have masks or do not respect their safety instructions, such as the "barrier distance", will be the cause of the next confinement and therefore of the next economic fall. We are told that it is therefore the most irresponsible part of the population that will cause unemployment and misery that the entire population will suffer ! Except that this irresponsible part for the benefit of all, it is in reality the rich and the powerful ! They are the ones who let the covid spread ! They are the ones who destroyed public health to make it a cheese for the private sector ! They’re the ones destroying jobs ! They are the ones who polarize all financial resources, preventing them from being mobilized for health, for the hospital, for the most disadvantaged !It is them and the system from which they benefit that make unemployment and misery continue to increase in the world, and diseases to develop proportionately, bringing us back from pandemics that we thought had been conquered !
Covid, far from hampering the propertied classes, is used by them, not only to carry out layoffs, including those they wanted to do before covid, to break labor codes and social rights but also to develop social dictatorship and policy under the pretext of state of emergency and state of war. All over the world, rulers have increased the repression of demonstrations, revolts, and even all freedoms. Never have the police and armies been so omnipresent and repressive. For all this, covid is the pretext. We gass, we baton, we violate and we lock up people to defend them… from catching covid !!!
The pandemic has temporarily put on hold the revolutions that broke out everywhere before Covid, but the confinements have only reduced social explosions without stifling them for long. All the methods of postponing the revolutionary explosion have, however, been used throughout the world : prohibition of demonstrations, of assembling, of media criticism, Internet deletions, violent police and military interventions, suspension of freedoms, provocations of war, border or fortnight closures, resignations of governments to calm the overly violent explosions. In the United States, after the revolt of last June which broke out following the assassination of Floyd in Minneapolis by the police, against anti-black police racism but also against social injustice,Democrats have found a new trick to calm those whose lives are threatened on a daily basis. These famous Democrats, who in 2008 had a black president ... under whose presidency blacks were being killed by the state police, claim to reiterate but only with a black vice-presidency. Will this be enough to divert the population from a revolt that the violent crackdown on federal forces unleashed by Trump has failed to crush ? Will this be enough to divert the population from a revolt that the violent crackdown on federal forces unleashed by Trump has failed to crush ? Will this be enough to divert the population from a revolt that Trump’s violent crackdown on federal forces has failed to crush ?
Despite the pandemic and its exploitation by the powers that be, the social revolution still threatens all over the world. It explodes in Belarus, where women, workers and young people are leading the demonstrations and where the workers’ strike is spreading, the power is increasingly isolated. It continues in Mali where the dictatorship is struggling to change its image and does not convince the rebels in any way, even if it has calmed some politicians, imams or not, who claimed to be the seeds of revolt. In Lebanon, the explosion of the port of Beirut, which caused a considerable number of victims and destruction, completed the demolition of the credibility of the political and social system in place, already aiming for a revolutionary rise. In Haiti, the regime is more hated and weak than ever before a poor population determined to end the dictatorship !In Ivory Coast, the demonstrations of revolt against the capacity have just started and were immediately repressed in blood ! Even using the pretext of covid to repress, the Algerian power did not extinguish the great revolutionary wave of Hirak ! The revolt is still brewing in Chile, where the government has also used covid as a pretext to violently suppress social and political anger. The small and large maneuvers of the rulers, going as far as their resignation, have not extinguished the flame. From Ecuador to Colombia and Bolivia, the revolution that was born there was not killed by covid, just delayed and the owners know it well… In other countries, like Thailand, the revolution is coming just getting started. Covid did not save the propertied classes from an on-going global social revolution !the demonstrations of revolt against the capacity have just started and were immediately repressed in blood ! Even using the pretext of covid to repress, the Algerian power did not extinguish the great revolutionary wave of Hirak ! The revolt is still brewing in Chile, where the government has also used covid as a pretext to violently suppress social and political anger. The small and large maneuvers of the rulers, going as far as their resignation, have not extinguished the flame. From Ecuador to Colombia and Bolivia, the revolution that was born there was not killed by covid, just delayed and the owners know it well… In other countries, like Thailand, the revolution is coming just getting started. Covid did not save the propertied classes from an on-going global social revolution !the demonstrations of revolt against the capacity have just started and were immediately repressed in blood ! Even using the pretext of covid to repress, the Algerian power did not extinguish the great revolutionary wave of Hirak ! The revolt is still brewing in Chile, where the government has also used covid as a pretext to violently suppress social and political anger. The small and large maneuvers of the rulers, going as far as their resignation, have not extinguished the flame. From Ecuador to Colombia and Bolivia, the revolution that was born there was not killed by covid, just delayed and the owners know it well… In other countries, like Thailand, the revolution is coming just getting started. Covid did not save the propertied classes from an on-going global social revolution !
They know it all the more since they are not unaware that the capitalist system only outlives itself with acrobatic and costly palliatives ! And, when capitalism collapses, stock markets plummeting, banks closing the grid, companies going bankrupt en masse, it will no longer offer jobs, housing, health, or security, the wealthy classes cannot imagine. not that the poorest will leave them quietly sitting on their chests filled to the brim !!!
A collapse of capitalism ?! By entire sections, the old world is collapsing and covid is not responsible ... The fall did not start in 2019-2020, neither because of the pandemic, nor because of the confinement. It dates from 2007 and is caused by the inability of the propertied classes to increase their productive investments, to the point that more big capital’s money is now betting on the economic fall than on the rise. The UK saw its economy shrink "record" by 20% in the second quarter. The US is experiencing the biggest job fall in its history. The stock markets have just swallowed up more public money than ever before and they are starting to fall again ! The number of bankrupt trusts in the world is the largest in the history of capitalism !The plans of the States and central banks, with trillions to support the trusts are swallowed up to nothing !
Yep, even a system that has survived many crises and world wars, not to mention pandemics, has come to an end ! All social systems in the past had a limit and fell when they reached it.
The following comment seems to be taken from recent news : "Everything that had solidity and permanence goes up in smoke, everything that was sacred is profaned, and men are finally forced to consider their conditions of existence and their lives. reciprocal relationships with disillusioned eyes. " Yet it is an extract from the" Communist Manifesto "of 1848 Marx and Engels !
If the old world is happy to have been able, by other financial acrobatics, to postpone the deadline of the economic collapse by a few years, 2008 to 2019, and the revolutionary deadline of a few months, nothing will prevent the old capitalist world is exploding ! Because the reasons for the disappearance of a completely rotten and worm-eaten system are profound : the accumulation of capital through the exploitation of labor has reached its historical limits and, under these conditions, capital, from a force of development is transformed into a force of destruction. These reasons are linked to the very roots of this mode of production and exploitation, and cannot be absorbed by measures, or even by real measures. They lead to no other outcome than the downfall of the old society.The only alternative is to know whether this end of the old world will be orchestrated by big capital or by the proletariat ! This is a question that the propertied classes fear the answer to so much that they go out of their way to ensure that it is not asked publicly, quite simply ! Thus, they lead people to ask themselves many other bogus alternatives like, in the USA, are you for or against blacks, for or against women, for or against migrants, for or against China, or even, in Russia, are you for or against Putin, for or against Caucasians, or elsewhere, are you for or against Europe, are you for confinement or deconfinement, are you for the masks or against, for migrants or against, for the young or for the old, for men or for women,for the suburbs or against, for American Indians or against, for Trump or against, for Turkey or for Greece, for Iran or against, etc.
More than ever, it must be clearly stated that we have nothing good to expect neither from the propertied classes, nor from their social and political institutions, nor from the rulers, including their opponents and candidates for “left” power, nothing good to expect from their so-called "solutions" to the crisis, nothing to ask them, nothing to demand of them, and everything to expect from ... ourselves, our own strengths, our own collective social conscience which has a value infinitely greater than the ineptitudes of these puppets, as the last revolutions in the world have clearly shown, and in particular that of the yellow vests in France, the Hirak in Algeria, the Lebanese revolution or even the Chilean or Haitian revolution, Sudanese, Malian, etc.
Another bogus alternative should definitely be highlighted : are you for Reform or Conservatives. Reform leaders all over the world, political, labor, and community leaders, are fundamentally on the same class edge as conservatives, American Democrats as Republicans, left as right, left as unions as right, and all participate in the same deception consisting in depriving the working people of the main right, that of organizing themselves and for themselves, to decide their own interests, their choices, their modes of action as well as its goals, its future. And all this without expecting anything from institutions, electoral as well as administrative and political, from the propertied classes and their States !
We have nothing to expect from their justice, their police, their armies, their gendarmerie, their ministers, the president, the government or national parliaments, senates, national, departmental, regional assemblies. All these institutions are to be dismantled, to be abolished. It is a question of replacing them by assemblies of workers with elected representatives who can be dismissed. It is a question of creating workers’ councils as the yellow vests knew how to put them in place. This is why everything was done to remove the yellow vests from the news and everything the government tried against the yellow vests only finally succeeded during confinement.
But the social revolt is indeed there and the calendar of the proletarian revolution remains the only meeting point to get humanity out of barbarism.
So yes, let’s take over the proletarian assemblies, like those of the Hirak or the Yellow Vests, and generalize them, federate them, give their power of decision and execution.
The very meaning of this program is the need to suppress private ownership of the means of production by the big owners of capital. It is a collectivized and planned economy which will make it possible to get out of barbarism by putting great technical and organizational means at the service of the entire population and more at the service of the profit of one percent of owners of capital !
To carry out this program, the working people will have to give themselves the right to govern, to decide, to lead society and also to give themselves the means, including that of bearing arms. It will have to organize, with the help of its revolutionary committees, armed militias which will dismantle the police, the army and the gendarmerie. It will also be necessary to dissolve the government and national, departmental and regional assemblies. It is another system of justice which will have to be established : a proletarian system which will have to replace the so-called current justice which defends the current economic and political leaders of the old world. It is a system of justice by the population and civil society that will have to be established, and this new system of justice can only take place through a profound change in the economy,the suppression of private ownership of the means of production, the suppression of the armed forces of repression and maintenance of the economy of the old world.
So, yes, workers of the whole world, let us prepare for this great meeting of the coming world revolution. Leaders know this and are preparing for it. It is up to us to take a date and organize it before a new world war and new fascisms and death camps prevent us from doing so.